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Flagship Series

Starting in 2009, our team of gamers, musicians, artists, tech experts, and entertainers have gathered under one roof to celebrate The Legend of Zelda series of video games.

Our latest event in the series, Zeldathon Dimensions benefitted Make-A-Wish Foundation and brought new aspects of viewer interactivity with the broadcast.

We've raised over $3,400,000 for great causes over 29 Zeldathon events.


Side Quest

More than just Zelda

In 2020, our team decided our events shouldn't be limited by a single series. Side Quest was started to allow us flexibility in the type of segments we produce.

Additionally, we're able to take advantage of a remote format to allow new contribitors to the marathons from across the globe.

Collage of things that happened at Side Quest
Collage of things that happened at Piece of Heart

Piece of Heart

Our Live Series

Our team was invited to MomoCon to present a Zeldathon event from their show floor. Unique to any other Zeldathon event, we have a live audience and are able to meet our fans formally, and engage with them directly.

Who knows where Piece of Heart will show up next?